Are you facing any of these challenges?

Your organization’s knowledge is getting ready to walk out the door

Your most experienced employees are fast approaching retirement, and they’re taking their career knowledge with them.

You’re ready to streamline your workday

You’re ready to delegate duties so you can focus on the tasks you need to.

Your business is stuck

You can’t create any more efficiency, and you can’t get your business to the next level of success.

The one solution to them all: Write it down

With the Blueprinting™ service, you can capture everything you and your employees do to keep your business going and then use that information to train anyone to handle any job in your organization. What’s more, once your processes and procedures are written down, you can review them for improvement and create new efficiencies that are easy to implement.

With this monthly program, an experienced writing consultant helps you define your top processes and procedures, then works with your employees to write your systems into complete, easy-to-read, step-by step instructions. With these important documents detailing your organization’s processes, you can:

  • Standardize the way things get done
  • Bring anyone up to speed quickly
  • Begin the important analysis process to create new efficiencies

Write your system now!

Ready to start gathering your organization’s knowledge
and begin streamlining to save time and money with your own customized manuals?

Blueprinting:™ Write Your System powered by Mightier Than The Sword Consulting